For Women Only, Book IFor Women Only, Book 1 is the first in a series of books devoted to exploring women’s issues in psychotherapy and counseling. This first book presents the narrative of psychotherapy treatment of a new mother for the trauma-like experiences of a difficult childbirth and the depression that followed. Catherine’s treatment took just six sessions with a novel approach called Parts Psychology, which recognizes that the normal personality is not unitary but naturally divided into subpersonalities, or parts. Each of the six sessions is described in detail, including the patient’s visualization of both preexisting and new parts of the self that were created during the 36 hours of unrelenting labor pain. For Catherine, the 34-year-old mother who is the subject of the therapy, the two most important parts were Catherine 22, a younger part who fulfilled the role of an angry Catherine, and Medusa, a snakes-as-hair version of Catherine’s mother. Therapy included both reducing the anger of Catherine 22 and neutralizing the negative effects of the Medusa “introject”—an unconscious representation of many negative traits of the patient’s mother. Catherine’s emotional issues were compounded by her mother’s rejection of her at the beginning of her pregnancy. Once her best friend, her mother became a continuing thorn in her side by refusing to speak to her throughout her pregnancy. The narrative describes how the mother’s negative influence in Catherine’s life was diminished through therapy. Positive results were confirmed through testing of Catherine’s pre- and post-treatment symptoms. The narrative of Catherine’s therapy illustrates how the Parts Psychology model provides effective guidelines for bringing about rapid relief and healing of a woman’s childbirth and postpartum issues.

Professional Reviews


“I thoroughly enjoyed reading For Women Only, just as I felt reading Parts Psychology. I really like your method of teaching by case example.”
—Louis Tinnin, M.D., Emeritus Professor, West Virginia University; Founder, Intensive Trauma Institute

 “[This] book will make a positive difference for many women and their families.”
Rev. Barbara Louw, Traumatologist, Pretoria, South Africa.

“I enjoyed reading this excellent case study.”
—Gavin Williams, M.A., M.Phil., London, UK

“It is a great, great book!! I found it both a fascinating story, as well as clinically enlightening. The subject matter is unique, and I love the approach.”
—Monica Rubinow Tenner, Developmental Trauma and Attachment Therapist, Pasadena, California.

“I really enjoyed reading this. The book has a good clear style, flows well. Will the publisher allow me to translate it into Portuguese and Spanish?”
—Esly Regina de Carvalho, PhD, EMDR Psychotherapy for Adults in Brasília, Brazil.

“Wow! It is an excellent, well written, easy read; outcome measures were great.”
—Linda Chambers, LCSW, Cape May, New Jersey.

“Great job! I am a hypnotherapist and NLP practitioner and see the parallels with parts work. [I was] really grabbed by the initial case study; it’s conversational and gets the reader’s attention right away.”
—Patrick R Scott, PhD, DCSW, Clinical Director at Heads Up Guidance & Wellness Centers of Nevada.

“The book is well written and easy to understand. Dr. Noricks has taken the concept of parts psychology and progressed it to the mainstream in a way that I think will help a great number of people who have suffered a wide range of trauma.”
—Chad Broderick, Counseling Psychologist, Las Vegas, Nevada

Jay Noricks’ new book on postpartum depression (PPD) helps women deal with mixed emotions, confusion, and shame through his brilliant work in Parts Psychology. His easy style provokes the reader to remember her own story of giving birth and connect the dots of healing in the deepest places of her untold story.
—Robin Dilly, PhD, Author, In a Moment’s Notice; Psychologist, Author and Speaker, Phoenix, Arizona